Speaking of Teens

#192: Does Your Innocent Teasing Feel Like Bullying To Your Teen or Tween?


Teasing is a big part of many parents' communication toolbox. But when it comes to teasing teens and tweens, it's easy to accidentally overstep.

Teenagers are notorious for misinterpreting parents. Their brains often don't hear what we think we say.

You may mean to tease them in a playful manner but they may hear it as criticism.

Listen today as I explain the difference between playful teasing and bullying and which topics you should delete from your teasing roster (because they can cause long-term negative effects).

Access TRANSCRIPT here.

Episodes mentioned:

Episode 133 (your domain versus their domain)

Episode 130 and 131 (adolescent brain and emotions)

Sources, Resources, and Mentions:

Teasing in Hierarchical and Intimate Relations (science journal article)

The Connection of Teasing By Parents... (science journal article)

When Does Teasing Within Families Go Too Far? (Psychology Today)

The Ups and Downs of Teasing (National Communication Association)

The Effects of Adult Teasing on Children (Dr. Tracy King)

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