Speaking of Teens

#177: Monitoring and Watching Out For Signs Of Substance Use With Your Teens


Research tells us that teens whose parents employ effective monitoring are less likely to engage in risky behaviors like having sex at an early age, smoking, drinking, using drugs, skipping school or being physically injured – they’re also more likely to have better mental health.

So "monitoring" works but what does it even mean and how do you do it "effectively"? I'll break it down for you in this episode.

I'll also go over some very specific signs of substance use that you can keep in mind. Plus I have lots of resources for you.

Access TRANSCRIPT here.

Episodes Mentioned:

175, 176 (previous episodes in the Teens and Substance Use series)

104, 106, 108, 110 (Connection series)

130, 131, 132 (episodes about the Teen Brain)

32 (Sexting and Sextortion),

33 (Discussing Sexting, Law on Sexting)

34 (Cyberbullying)

45 (Gaming Issues)

54 (Surgeon Media and Research on Social Media)

55 (Protecting Your Teen from Social Media)

61 (Making a Family Media Plan)

69 (Phones in Middle School)

83 (Tweens and Online Porn)

84 (Privacy and Monitoring)

129 (Online Abuse)

144 (Screentime)

Sources, Resources, and Mentions:

U.S. DEA's Drug Emoji Code (social media)

Signs of Drug Use in Teens (Partnership to End Addiction)

Where to Search for Drugs or Drug Paraphernalia  (scroll down)

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