Speaking of Teens

#135: The Foundational Series Day 6 – Coaching Your Teen Through Their Emotions


This is Day 6 of an 8-part series to explain the foundational principles of parenting teens. These are the "basics" that you need to understand to parent your teenagers with less conflict and more connection (plus have more influence in their lives and even change their behavior).

What do you do when your teen or tween is acting like a toddler - when they're spewing their unpleasant emotions all over the place? Do you ignore them? Tell them to calm down? Get upset yourself?

Well, today I want to talk to you about how you can use this opportunity to help your teenager develop their emotional intelligence - specifically, their emotional awareness and emotional regulation. This technique is called emotion coaching and it not only helps your teen calm down in that moment, but it gradually helps them learn how to  manage those emotions themselves.

This technique not only works for teens and tweens but younger children as well. Join me today and learn how to bring more peace into your family.

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I make this show for you, and I really appreciate and value your feedback. I’d love your suggestions for how I make the show better. And if you’d like me to cover a specific topic or you have a parenting question that I could discuss in a future episode, please reach out, I’d love to hear from you!

You may be interested in one or more of my FREE Parenting Guides.


Episodes in this series 130, 131, 132133134, 135, 136137

Sources, Resources and Mentions:

Episodes 6, 78 and 95 (emotion coaching)

Emotional Coaching FREE parenting guide

SuperBetter App

Happify App