Speaking of Teens

#67: Would You Know If Your Teenager Was Struggling With Their Sexuality? (With Heather Hester)


How well can we really know our teens? Of course, when they’re little we know everything just by default - we know them to their core. But when they become adolescents, our relationship naturally shifts, they want and need more privacy and it becomes much easier for them to hide bits and pieces of themselves from us. Do you think you’d know if they had an enormous secret? One they feel might be just too hard for you to understand and accept (like being gay)? Tune in today for my interview with Heather Hester, another mom who’s really been through the ringer with her son, who came out as gay during his teen years – and learn how they handled this “secret.”

Access TRANSCRIPT here.

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Sources, Resources and Mentions:

You can learn more about Heather’s speaking, corporate consulting and coaching at chrysalismama.com and check out her podcast Just Breath: Parenting your LGBTQ+ Teen and the Just Breathe community


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