Speaking of Teens

#66: Teen Anxiety – How to Recognize It, Support Them, And Avoid Pitfalls, (With Lauren Wolfe, LPC)


Teenagers are experiencing anxiety today more than ever before. Yet, as a parent, you may have no idea what teen anxiety looks like or how to help your kid if you suspect they may have it. Teen anxiety doesn’t look like adult anxiety, and often teens and tweens don’t have enough self-awareness to even understand that’s what they’re feeling. So, it falls on you to figure it out, give them the support they need and find the right kind of help for them.

On the show today is Lauren Wolfe, licensed professional counselor, and host of the Your Zen Friend podcast. She works with kids, teens, and their families when anxiety makes life difficult. She explains what teen anxiety looks like and what you can do (and shouldn’t do) to help your teen if they’re living with this overwhelming disorder.

Access TRANSCRIPT here.

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Sources, Resources and Mentions:
Episode #19 You Teen and Anxiety: How to Spot it and How to Help
Episode #27 Helping Your Teen Overcome Negative Thinking
Parenting Guide: "Your Teen and Anxiety"
Parenting Guide: "Helping Your Teen Overcome Negative Thinking"

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