Speaking of Teens

#126: “Gas Station Weed”, Delta-8, THCA-Your Teen Can Get High Legally


What the heck is going on down at the convenience store or corner vape shop? They're selling something that looks a whole lot like marijuana, cannabis, or weed. And this stuff (otherwise known as "gas station weed") can get people even higher than the marijuana sold at the legal dispensaries that contain the high-producing, delta-9 THC.

Even worse, this stuff is being sold legally to teens in many states! What is it? It's delta-8 THC, delta-10 THC, HHC, THCA, THCO and other chemically extracted hemp derivatives, which are mostly unregulated (and contain no telling what).

I'll explain what these substances are, where they come from, how they're legal and what you should do if you find your teen is smoking it or "real marijuana".

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Sources, Resources and Mentions:

Episodes that will help you deal with your teen and substances

Episode 16 Collaboration and Cooperation

Episode 22 Discipline and Consequences

Episode 39 Lying

Episode 42 and 43 Drug-proofing Your Teens

Episode 60 Substance Use and Abuse

Episode 122 When Your Kid is using drugs

Sources and Resources

What is THCO?

Is THCA legal?

Chemical and Engineering News on Delta-8

National Cannabis Industry Association - Delta-8 (Map where legal)

Washington Post on hemp verses cannabis

Analytical Analysis of Hexahydrocannabinol (HHC)

ACS Laboratory on THCH

NBC News on delta-8 THC