Speaking of Teens
Ep 22 – “Disciplining” Teens Without Rebellion (How To Handle Consequences)

“Discipline” is actually not what most of us think. It’s not about control, obedience, punishment or focused on consequences. Discipline is actually about teaching – teaching our kids the skills they lack and those they’ll need to be independent, mentally stable, and “successful” adults.
It’s about setting high expectations, clear and consistent limits and boundaries, in a respectful and loving way, being empathetic, listening to them, acknowledging their feelings, and connecting emotionally before correcting their behavior.
As parents of teenagers, we must reframe the meaning of discipline, learn the difference between consequences and punishment, the role natural and logical consequences can play in discipline, and when and how to use them effectively with teens and tweens.
Listen and learn some very important guidelines you can begin using today with your teenager.
Access TRANSCRIPT here.
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Sources, Resources and Mentions:
Ep. #1 Why Trying to Control Your Teen Will Backfire
Ep. #15 Control, Conflict, And Your Teen's Autonomy: Balancing Their Push For Autonomy With Your Need For Parental Control, Without All The Conflict
Ep. #6 Teaching Teens To Tame Their Emotions
Ep. #16 Settling Conflict While Supporting Your Teen's Autonomy
Ep. #8 Your Emotional Skills Directly Affect Your Teen's Mental Health and Wellbeing: Let's Talk Emotional Awareness and Regulation
Ep. #3 You Can Blame Your Teen's Irrational Behavior on Their Changing Brain
Ep. #4 Why Your Teen Does Stupid Stuff (Even When They Know Better)
No Drama Discipline (Siegel and Bryson)
Age of Opportunity (Steinberg)
Getting to Calm (Kastner and Wyatt)
Positive Discipline for Teenagers (Nelson and Lott)
You're Ruining My Life (Kolari) - worth the higher price!
How to Talk so Teens Will Listen & Listen so Teens Will Talk (Faber and Mazlish)