Speaking of Teens
#119: Step By Step - What To Do When Your Teen or Tween Is Bullied At School

When someone hurts your child, physically or emotionally, no matter if they're 10 or 25, you want it to stop immediately.
And bullying is one of those things you may not even be aware of. You won't see it and you won't likely even know about it unless your teen or tween tells you.
In this episode, I'll tell you what to watch out for, how to talk to your teen about their bullying problem and give you step by step instructions for dealing with the issue.
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Sources, Resources and, Mentions
Episode 34 (cyberbullying)
Episode 23 (mean girls)
Episodes 104, 106, 108, and 110 (connection series)
Episodes 6, 78 and 95 (emotion coaching)
My Life is Worth Living (great site for teens)
State Departments of Education
Office of Civil Rights for US Dept. of Ed.
Filing Discrimination case with OCR of Dept. of Ed.
ACLU (help on any federal case)