Speaking of Teens
#118: How To Navigate Parenting Teens With An Ex, Your Spouse, Or Partner (Coparenting with Aurisha Smolarski)

Whether you’re married, divorced, or happily cohabitating with your partner, if you have teenagers, you’re not only dealing with them but with your coparent’s (and possibly your partner’s) opinion on how to parent them.
Why do we all bring such differing views into our parenting and what can we do when we don’t agree? And, by the way, what role does your new partner play in it all?
Join me for a conversation with Aurisha Smolarski, a Los Angeles based licensed marriage and family therapist with a special affinity for helping parents get along and parent in a more united way. Aurisha has negotiated coparenting with an ex-spouse herself and understands how difficult it is. And she’s recently published a book called, Cooperative Co-Parenting for Secure Kids: The Attachment Theory Guide to Raising Kids in Two Homes.
There’s something for you in this episode no matter with whom you share parenting duties.
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