Speaking of Teens

#116: Getting Help From The School When Your Teen or Tween Refuses To Go


I don't believe there are many parents of a teen or tween who hasn't dealt with some struggle over getting their kid to go to school. School refusal happens for all sorts of reasons, from mental health disorders like anxiety or depression to dealing with a bully or learning issues. But whatever the reason your teenager refuses or avoids going to school, you must come up with a solution. And often that solution isn't as easy as the school and other parents think.

In today's episode I talk with Cynthia Coufal, the host of The Teen Anxiety Maze and a retired school counselor who has all sorts of ideas about getting your school to help you get your teen back to school. And in the last portion of the episode I talk to you about taking charge of the situation and the best way to handle advocating for your teenager.


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