Speaking of Teens
#103: Want to Change Your Teen’s Behavior? Stop Parenting Like Your Grandma! (with Aly Pain)

Today, I’m joined by Aly Pain to discuss how most of us are still parenting using an outdated model from several generations ago, which is derailing the connection with our teenagers and fueling their misbehavior. Unfortunately, we don't even realize how we’ve simply accepted many of these parenting myths and attitudes as truth, despite the mounds of scientific evidence to the contrary. And when we attempt to make the necessary changes with our teenagers, we’re often met with disapproval and push-back from family and friends.
We’re talking about these misconceptions to set the record straight on common concerns like respect, connection, compliance, and living up to their potential. Aly explains how you can begin parenting your teenager in a way that leads to increased connection (yes, she’s going to explain what that really means!) and lasting change in their behavior.
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