Speaking of Teens

Episode#8: Your Emotional Skills Directly Affect Your Teen’s Mental Health and Wellbeing: Let’s Talk Emotional Awareness and Regulation

mom lecturing at tween girl

Studies show that our level of emotional intelligence (“EQ”) directly affects our parenting skills and our relationship with our children and teenagers. The greater our EQ, the better our relationship is with them, the better adapted they are and the better their emotional development, mental health, and wellbeing. And foundational to EQ is emotional awareness and emotional regulation.

Listen as I explain:

  • emotional intelligence
  • emotional awareness and regulation
  • EQ’s connection to parenting teens
  • the emotional experience
  • factors that determine our emotions and our responses
  • a few “awareness-raising” facts about our emotions
  • how thoughts, emotions, and behavior are interrelated
  • how to determine your general level of emotional awareness
  • 2 important strategies for becoming more emotionally aware (plus many more in the download in the show notes)

Thankfully, studies also show it’s never too late to start working to improve your emotional intelligence. So, what are you waiting for?

Access TRANSCRIPT here.

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Episode 8 EXTRA, "Emotional Awareness Strategies" (please download from Free Parenting Guides link above)