Speaking of Teens
#59: Helping Your Teenager Discover Their Potential Future Career

“What do you want to do when you grow up?” It’s the question kids become accustomed to from the time they can talk. They’ll give answers like astronaut, doctor, teacher, veterinarian or maybe artist, dancer, singer. But as they move through middle school, they begin to understand a little more about the “practicalities” of some of those careers as the adults in their life begin to wield more influence. And the closer they get to graduating from high school, it can seem that’s all anyone around them is talking about. That “little kid question” has now become much more of an “adult question”, which looms so large it can start to cause them major stress. What do they want to do for the rest of their lives? How do they decide? What should they consider and when do they really have to know? Today’s episode addresses how parents can help their teens move closer to deciding their initial career goals.
Access TRANSCRIPT here.
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Sources, Resources and Mentions:
The Impact of Parental Influence: Career Edition
Kempsville High School Newspaper article
Glenbard West High School article
Academic Achievement: A View From The Top
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Public Speaking Grade