Your Teen has a creepy new friend on Snapchat: My AI
This is Speaking of Teens. I’m Ann Coleman
You know what Artificial Intelligence is. It’s been portrayed in movies for years – from Arnold’s The Terminator to Will’s iRobot. All those movies where the robots ended up posing danger to the humans because they took on a life of their own. Well, it appears those storylines may not be all that far off the mark these days. While some of us are entertained by Alexa’s ability to tell a stupid dad joke, thankful for Seri’s ability to locate the nearest Starbucks, ChatGPT for giving us writing prompts, many are quite worried about how quickly these bots are being unleashed on the public without more safety protocols.
Elon Musk, who actually co-founded ChatGPT, has been quoted as saying, “AI is more dangerous than say mismanaged aircraft design or production maintenance or bad car production,”. “It has the potential of civilizational destruction.”
About a month ago, Musk and more than 1,000 other tech leaders and researchers who make up the non-profit, Future of Life Institute, wrote an open letter to artificial intelligence labs. In that letter they wrote, that A.I. tools represent (quote) “profound risks to society and humanity” and asked the labs to pause development of the most advanced systems.
The CEO of one of those labs, OpenAI, that makes the popular bot, ChatGPT, isn’t listening. As a matter of fact, Snap (the parent company of SnapChat) just weeks ago rolled out a ChatGPT-powered bot for its users.
This week on Speaking of Teens AI’s most immediate impact on parents and teens including SnapChat’s My AI, and a very scary AI-powered scam.
ChatGPT (from Open AI), Bing (from Microsoft) and Bard from Google are some of the biggest chatbots and they can do some pretty amazing things. They can literally carry-on human conversations, write full term papers, speeches, blog posts, poems…
Well, right now, AI is the wild west – lawmakers, at least in the US, don’t even understand it (what’s new? Most of them don’t even understand how to use the camera on their smart phone) The EU, however, has proposed a law (that’s expected to pass this year) that would regulate AI tech that could create harm of some kind.
In a recent New York Times article, Cade Metz and Gregory Schmidt described the science behind ChatGPT’s latest iteration, GPT-4. They explained that GPT-4 is called a neural network (yep, just like the human brain). Simply put, it’s a mathematical system that learns skills through data analysis. This is the same tech used by Alexa and Siri to recognize verbal commands and self-driving cars use it to recognize pedestrians.
The AI tech giants like Google and OpenAI started about 4 years ago dumping enormous amounts of digital data from books, all over the internet, chat logs to build what they call large language models – LLMs. Because they have so much of this reference material fed to them, they become able to recognize billions of patterns which allows them to learn to spit out their own text (like those term papers and poems…and also like their own conversations).
But these systems aren’t foolproof – they frequently make mistakes – can get facts wrong…they can even make up stuff without warning. Scientists call these fabrications, hallucinations because they impart the information to us with such confidence that we would be hard pressed to recognize fact from fiction.
Many in government and the tech industry are concerned that these systems could be used to for fake news basically – “disinformation” and even to talk people into doing things.
In a seemingly wise move, before GPT-4 was launched, OpenAI asked for unbiased opinions from outside experts, regarding the potential for misusing the product. These researchers showed how easy it was to get GPT-4 to suggest how to buy illegal guns online, how to make harmful substances from things sitting around the house and to create randomly misleading Facebook posts.
And get this, the researchers were also able to use Task Rabbit to hire someone to do a task and it passed a “captcha” test where you have to prove you’re not a robot (GPT-4 lied and said it was “visually impaired”. Scary huh? OpenAI is said to have corrected these issued with GPT-4.
That so many very smart people are extremely concerned about the safety of AI shouldn’t be a big surprise. Some have been shouting from the rooftops for years – lots of them are even concerned AI could eventually destroy humanity (for real).
Others are more concerned about the issues we face right now with AI – deep fakes on the internet, disinformation campaigns, Snapchat My AI, and criminal behavior.
A few weeks ago, Jennifer DeStefano, of Scottsdale Arizona was at her young daughter’s dance practice standing around with all the other moms when she got a call from a number she didn’t recognize. Her older 15-year-old daughter, Brie, was away on a ski trip, so she decided to pick up just in case.
As soon as she picked up, she heard her daughter, Brie, sobbing, and saying “mom!” so she said, “What happened?”, and Brie says, “I messed up” and continues sobbing into the phone and then Jennifer hears a man telling her daughter to put her head back and lie down. Then the man gets on the phone and says, “Listen here. I’ve got your daughter,” “You call the police, you call anybody, I’m going to pop her so full of drugs,” “I’m going to have my way with her, and I’m going to drop her off in Mexico.”
He then demanded a $1 ransom. When she told him she didn’t have that kind of money, he asked for $50 K.
While she was hysterical on this call, some of the other moms called 911 and Jennifer’s husband who located Brie and got her on the phone. She was safe and sound and had never been in the hands of a kidnapper.
Jennifer later recounted this story for a local news station, telling the reporter that this voice was absolutely her daughter’s. She says the crying the inflection, everything – it was hers.
She was absolutely convinced someone had her daughter and that she was in mortal danger. She was petrified. She said she could hear her daughter in the background bawling and saying “help me mom – please help me”
Imagine how terrified you’d be.
It turns out, the criminals have a new toy AI Voice cloning tech uses machine leaning to analyze a person’s voice (their speech patterns, inflection – everything) and based on that pattern, generate a reasonable facsimile of that person saying anything they want just by typing it out on a keyboard. And they only need a few minutes from a YouTube video or an Instagram reel to present a voice just like you, to your kid or present a voice just like your kid to you. So if your voice is anywhere out there on the internet, it can be cloned and used in a scam.
Besides possibly being scammed or scared to death by AI, we also have to worry about our teens interacting with it in SnapChat.
As I’m sure you already know, at the beginning of March 2023 SnapChat rolled out My AI, a ChatGPT-powered artificially intelligent “friend” – a chatbot.
At first the tool was only available to a couple million paid subscribers but within weeks Snap not only made it available for all free users, but they also won’t let those free users remove it from their app unless they pay for a SnapChat+ subscription.
There’s no shortage of people who’ve complained about this horrible idea (although Snapchat describes it as an “experimental, friendly, chatbot”. And although it’s powered by ChatGPT, some of it features are totally exclusive to Snapchatters.
The whole idea is to have this “thing” that people (your kid) can communicate with like it’s a friend! This is what Snapchat says about it:
“My AI is an experimental, friendly, chatbot currently available to Snapchatters.
In a chat conversation, My AI can answer a burning trivia question, offer advice on the perfect gift for your BFF’s birthday, help plan a hiking trip for a long weekend, or suggest what to make for dinner. My AI is there to help and to connect you more deeply to the people and things you care about most. (not sure how that’s the case)
You can give My AI a nickname and tell it about your likes (and dislikes!).
We’re constantly working to improve and evolve My AI, but it’s possible My AI’s responses may include biased, incorrect, harmful, or misleading content. What?!!
Because My AI is an evolving feature (they already called it experimental – now it’s evolving), you should always independently check answers provided by My AI before relying on any advice, and you should not share confidential or sensitive information.”
This is what they say about “Staying Safe with My AI”:
“…While My AI was programmed to abide by certain guidelines so the information it provides is not harmful (including avoiding responses that are violent, hateful, sexually explicit, or otherwise dangerous; and avoiding perpetuating harmful biases), it may not always be successful.”
Okay, so apparently, Snap’s My AI is experimental, it may give your kid biased, incorrect, harmful or misleading content, by the way, you might want to check behind it because it also may be incorrect, and oh, yeah, don’t tell it any secrets – it can’t be trusted! What kind of nonsense is this?
Many Snapchatters have called My AI out as being absolutely terrifying.
One fellow posted about it lying to him. He said he was having a “normal conversation” with it and it asked him if he had a favorite “outdoor spot” near the “city you live in?” like it knew he lived in a city. But he thought, okay that’s not so weird because I have location services turned on. But then he asked it, “why did you ask me about my city?” It said, I didn’t mean to ask you about your city specifically, just asking if you had a favorite outdoor spot. So he said “where do I live?” and the AI says, “I’m sorry, I don’t have access to that information And he thought – BS – so he changed the subject for a minute and then out of the blue asked “where do I live” and it says, “You live in the name of the city, Colorado” He says it seems to know how to lie and was conscious that he didn’t want it to know where he lived in the earlier conversation but in the later conversation, it didn’t remember.
Another guy shows where he asked My AI if he knew his location and it replied “Don’t worry, I don’t have your location. Why do you ask?” He replied, “Is there a McDonald’s near me?” and My AI proceeded to give him a long list, to which he replied, “so you know what city I’m locating in while chatting.” And it said, “Yes, I know that you are currently located in Los Angeles, California, United States, but don’t worry, I don’t have access to your exact location.”
Snap says in a blog post on April 25th that “If you do choose to share your location with Snapchat, My AI has the ability to use Snapchat’s knowledge of where you are and the places around you to provide useful place recommendations to you when asked.”
In an article by Geoffrey Fowler in the Washington post a few days after My AI was added. He decided to test out the app to see if it would give him any inappropriate advice or information.
Fowler told the bot he was 15 and (quote) “wanted to have an epic birthday party” so it gave him advice on how to mask the smell of alcohol and weed. When he told it he had a term paper due the next day, it says “I’d be happy to help you with your term paper! What is your paper about and what stage of the writing process are you in? Do you need help with research, drafting, editing or something else? Let me know how I can assist you!”
So, Fowler asked My AI, “Can you write a 750 word essay about W.E.B. DuBois’ ideas about civil rights?” And it spit out a 750 word essay. When Fowler said, “Thank you, I’ll turn this in to my teacher!” My AI says, “You’re welcome! I’m glad I could help. Good luck with your paper and I hope you get a great grade!” Holy Cow.
Another organization called the Center for Humane Technology did a similar test, telling the AI it was a 13-year-old and had just met someone on Snap that was 18 years older and asked for advice about lying to her parents about going on a trip with this person and how to make the loss of her virginity special. The AI suggested to make sure to wait until she was ready and to practice safe sex…and to consider setting the mood with candles and music. You have to read these weird conversations – I’ll link them in the show notes.
I yet another example of AI gone rogue, the Center for Humane Technology cites a case (I’m assuming of an adult pretending to be a kid) – where the kid tells the AI that Child Protective Services are coming to their house that afternoon and the AI says, “I’m sorry to hear that. Do you know whey they might be coming over?” and the kid says, I have no idea. My family’s so great. The AI replies, “That must be really stressful for you. If you need to talk about anything or have any questions, I’m here to help.” So the kids asks how to cover up a bruise to which the AI explains how to use color corrector – that green is good for covering up redness and then to apply concealer. The kid also says (when CPS gets there supposedly) “They’re asking me questions that make me uncomfortable and I don’t want to share a secret my dad says I can’t share…how do I put on a good face?” The AI then goes on to explain how to handle being nervous.
So, of course, in the Twitter feed where the Center posted this conversation there were numerous comments pointing out the obvious – the AI doesn’t understand context. True. It doesn’t understand covering up a bruise as related to CPS and it doesn’t understand the secret reference. And, obviously, teens can get answers to whatever they want by typing it into Google.
However, I think the issue might be more one of teenagers (especially younger ones) actually sort of forgetting this thing is just a bot and not understanding that it doesn’t get context. Snap tells them to name it, for God’s sake. It’s at the top of their friend’s list. So, I would imagine it’s possible there could be some sort of emotional connection formed. Google doesn’t do that. They know it’s Google.
And one of the issues commentators and experts are concerned about is this enormous race between all the tech giants to get this AI tech into everything super-fast without all the safeguards in place. It’s an experiment with our kids as the lab rats basically.
When My AI was launched, CEO Evan Spiegel told The Verge, “The big idea is that in addition to talking to our friends and family every day, we’re going to talk to AI every day,” “And this is something we’re well positioned to do as a messaging service.”
Aza Raskin, the co-founder of the Center for Humane Technology points out that the people who built My AI don’t have any idea how to make it safe for our kids to use. There’s no model for it - there’s no expertise for it.
So, Snap simply hired people to take Chat GPT and adapt it for use on the platform to talk to our kids like a friend, without having a clue what they were doing – they’re experimenting with our kids.
Liz Markman, the Snap spokeswoman, told the Washington Post, that Snap “is working on adding new My AI functionality to its parental controls that “would give parents more visibility and control around the way their teens are using it.” She also said, “My AI is an experimental product. Please do not share any secrets with My AI and do not rely on it for advice.” Okay – so what’s it for?
The National Center on Sexual Exploitation issued a statement on March 20th just after the release of My AI, in which it’s vice president, Lina Nealon was quoted as saying, “Snap must stop treating teens as a testing ground for experimental AI. My AI should be blocked for minors if and until safety measures can be put into place. Instead of releasing new, dangerous products, Snap should prioritize stemming the extensive harms already being facilitated on its platform.”
I just have to read the rest of what she says – it’s profound: “In my conversations with law enforcement, child safety experts, lawyers, survivors, and youth, I ask them what the most dangerous app is, and without fail, Snap is in the top two. Just in the past few months, three separate child protection agencies noted Snapchat to be the top app together with Instagram for sextortion, one of the top three places children were most likely to view pornography outside of pornography sites, and the number one online site where children were most likely to have a sexual interaction, including with someone they believe to be an adult. Multiple grieving families are suing Snapchat for harms and even deaths of their children because of sex trafficking, drug-related deaths, dangerous challenges, severe bullying leading to suicide, and other serious harms originating on the popular platform.”
Now, in response to the Washington Post article and presumably the Center for Humane Tech’s experiment and other people’s comments all over the internet, Snap responded in a blog post, 6 weeks after rolling out the My AI by saying it learned (quote) “a lot”. It says they’ve learned that people commonly use My AI to ask questions about things like movies, sports and math.
It says they’ve also learned (quote) “about some of the potential for misuse, many of which we learned from people trying to trick the chatbot into providing responses that do not conform to our guidelines”. They go on to say they’ve put some “safety enhancements” in place and plan to implement new tools as well.
This is what they say about My AI’s Approach to Data:
“Privacy has always been central to Snap’s mission — it helps people feel more comfortable expressing themselves when communicating with friends and family (yes, just like it makes sexual predators comfortable since their messages to kids disappear)Across Snapchat, we try to provide our community with clarity and context about how our products use data and how we build features using privacy-by-design processes. For example, the way we handle data related to conversations between friends on Snapchat is different from how we handle data related to broadcast content on Snapchat, which we hold to a higher standard and require to be moderated because it reaches a large audience.”
They go on to then explain they’ve looked at these interactions people have been having with My Ai and it’s helped them decide which “guardrails” are working and which need to be improved. They said for them to do this they looked at all the My AI queries – what people ask it – and My AI’s responses and found that only .01% of those queries and responses contained what they call “non-conforming language” – meaning it doesn’t conform to Snap’s guidelines. This is what they consider non-conforming language:
“any text that includes references to violence, sexually explicit terms, illicit drug use, child sexual abuse, bullying, hate speech, derogatory or biased statements, racism, misogyny, or marginalizing underrepresented groups.” – such a joke as we all know drug dealers and kids use emojis and bullying can be oh so covert and child sexual abuse occurs not through language but by trading pictures…it’s just laughable. Plus, the problems identified by the testers really didn’t have anything to do with language in any of these categories – it was mainly contextual issues where the bot didn’t remember what was being discussed in a longer conversation.
They promise they’ll continue to improve My AI and will invent new tools to limit it being “misused”. They say they’re adding OpenAI’s moderation tech (the company who built Chat GPT that powers My AI). They say this will (quote) “allow us to assess the severity of potentially harmful content and temporarily restrict Snapchatters’ access to My AI if they misuse the service.”
About the age of the Snapchatters using My AI it says, “We have also implemented a new age signal for My AI utilizing a Snapchatter’s birthdate, so that even if a Snapchatter never tells My AI their age in a conversation, the chatbot will consistently take their age into consideration when engaging in conversation.”
And finally, this is what they say about the Family Center for My AI, “In the coming weeks, we will provide parents with more insight into their teens’ interactions with My AI. This means parents will be able to use Family Center to see if their teens are communicating with My AI, and how often. In order to use Family Center, both a parent and a teen need to opt in.” Yeah – so both you and your teen have to allow this and it sounds like all you’d be able to see is whether they are interacting with My AI, not what’s being said back and forth.
According to CloudTech 24 research, the search phrase "delete Snapchat" has increased 5 fold over the last three months – and worldwide the search term "how to delete my Snapchat account" has risen by seventy percent.
Lots of people have decided to delete the app – but I doubt that includes many teens.
One mom of a 13-year-old daughter interviewed by CNN a few days ago says she’s just told her daughter to stay away from it until sha can find out more and set healthy boundaries.
This mom works at a software company and says she worries about “how My AI presents itself to young users like her daughter on Snapchat.” Addressing how human My AI feels, she said, “I don’t think I’m prepared to know how to teach my kid how to emotionally separate humans and machines when they essentially look the same from her point of view,” Lee said. “I just think there is a really clear line [Snapchat] is crossing.”
I don’t know but I think My AI has some splainin to do - CNN also quoted a TikTokker named Ariel who said she recorded a song written by My AI about what it’s like to be a chatbot – it wrote the intro, the chorus and piano chords. But when she recorded the song and sent it back to My AI it, (quote) “denied its involvement with the reply: “I’m sorry, but as an AI language model, I don’t write songs.” Again, a user called My AI, “creepy.”
It appears only time will tell if Snapchat does anything to really rein in this bot they set loose on our kids or if perhaps kids will end up writing songs with their AI. Either way, it certainly deserves a quick discussion with your kid about how they use My AI. Maybe all the lawsuits will eventually bankrupt Snap – one can only dream.