Speaking of Teens

Episode #40: Andrew Tate. The Cult-Leader-Type Influencer Radicalizing Teens

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This episode is marked explicit because of language contained in soundbites and quotes from Andrew Tate. I believe it’s absolutely necessary to hear the exact language to understand the totality of his dangerous message.

Andrew Tate (or “Top-G” as his legions of fans call him) has also been called the King of Toxic Masculinity” by those who are not as easily duped. Teachers may know more about him and his message than you because they deal with it daily from “radicalized” middle and high school boys. You need to understand who he is, the message he’s spreading, and the vile and despicable things he’s been accused of doing so you can discuss it intelligently with your teens and tweens.

Get ready to be shocked and baffled by his meteoric rise to one of “the most Googled men on the planet”, and the #1 influencer of teens in 2022, someone who’s managed to amass a fortune on the backs of trafficked women and adolescent males who willingly spread his message and increase his influence for money.

Access TRANSCRIPT here.

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Sources, Resources and Mentions:

Tripp Advice on YouTube

BFFs podcast on YouTube

Vice News Documentary

Tate's 41 Tenets

The Real World (formerly Hustler's University)

War Room website

Piper Sandler Survey Fall 2022

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