Speaking of Teens

Episode #36: Teen Violence; Why It Happens And What We Can Do

cat fight

The broad range of violence that teenagers inflict on one another is staggering. Dating violence, sexual violence, bullying, cyberbullying, physical assaults, gun violence, suicide, verbal violence, hate speech and emotional abuse.

Of course, the physical violence is most terrifying for parents. Middle schoolers carrying guns and knives. Fights breaking out at ballgames, parties and in the halls at school. What’s going on here? How is it that someone so young is capable of inflicting such harm on another person? What causes this seemingly callus behavior? What can we do to protect our kids from becoming involved or falling victim? What do we say beyond, “be careful”, and what can we do as parents and as a community to help decrease this violence?

Join me in this episode for a look at teen violence; how it originates, how it perpetuates, how to help stop it (and protect our kids and others in the process).

Access TRANSCRIPT here.

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