Speaking of Teens
#31: “Minisode” - Cheating Your Way To Being The Parent You Want To Be

Becoming the parent we want to be can seem daunting when we’re learning a new way of thinking or feeling or acting (or all three). Learning to parent without fear, remembering to acknowledge their feelings, to listen to their opinions, to negotiate, to hold back on our advice and our instinct to jump in and fix things for them…it can be extremely difficult for some of us. Just remembering what to do or say in the moment can be confusing and cause us just to give up and default to our “old ways”.
I don’t want that for you. Listen in to this unscheduled “minisode” and download the cheat sheet I’ve designed to help you parent the way you really want to (and can!)
Access TRANSCRIPT here.
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I make this show for you, and I really appreciate and value your feedback. I’d love your suggestions for how I make the show better. And if you’d like me to cover a specific topic or you have a parenting question that I could discuss in a future episode, please reach out, I’d love to hear from you!
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Sources, Resources and Mentions:
Ep. 26 Maintaining a Deep Emotional Connection With Your Teenager
Ep. 6 Teaching Teens To Tame Their Emotions
Ep. 22 "Disciplining" Teens Without Rebellion (How to Handle Consequences)
Ep. 16 Settling Conflict While Supporting Your Teen's Autonomy
No Drama Discipline (Siegel and Bryson)
Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child (Gottman) (note: I called it "How to Raise an Emotionally Intelligent Child" in the episode)