Speaking of Teens

Ep 26 – Maintaining a Deep Emotional Connection with Your Teenager


As soon as our child reaches puberty, we feel the sudden separation deep in our soul. We’re no longer the center of their universe. And although it’s perfectly natural and healthy for them to start separating from us and turn more towards their friends, they obviously still need us (even though they’d rather not admit it). Only now, they don’t have the same need to be as physically close to us, but they do need to remain emotionally connected.

Maintaining a deep emotional connection with our child throughout adolescence is not only important for our relationship, it’s critical in keeping them mentally healthy and physically safe. Our influence with them now depends on that connection. We no longer have as much control over their life. All of our influence in the way they think, feel, and behave lies in our connection with them.

Today we’ll talk about some of the most import ways to maintain your emotional connection with your child throughout adolescence.

Access TRANSCRIPT here.

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Sources, Resources and Mentions:

Ep. #15 Control, Conflict, And Your Teen's Autonomy: Balancing Their Push For Autonomy With Your Need for Parental Control, Without All The Conflict

Ep. #6 Teaching Teens To Tame Their Emotions

Ep. #3 You Can Blame Your Teen's Irrational Behavior On Their Changing Brain

Ep. #4 Why Your Teen Does Stupid Stuff (Even When They Know Better)

Ep. #8 Your Emotional Skills Directly Affect Your Teen's Mental Health and Wellbeing

Relevant Resources (no affiliate links)

Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child (Gottman) - emotion coaching

No Drama Discipline (Siegel and Payne-Bryson) - emotion coaching

Staying Connected to Your Teenager (Riera)

"Why Doesn't My Teen Sleep" e-book

Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety (Duffy)

"The Challenging Adolescent Brain" e-book

"Emotional Awareness Strategies" (guide for parents)

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