Speaking of Teens

#172: Emotional Wounds May Be Keeping You From Being The Parent You Want To Be (with Stacey Uhrig)


None of us come to parenting without our own mindsets, core beliefs, and past emotional experiences. All of this informs us as parents and shapes our thoughts, emotions and behavior related to our kids and teenagers.

But too many of us fail to recognize this side of parenting, even when we're desperate to change the dynamic in our home. Very often, parents must address their own emotional wounds - unresolved trauma from their own formative years - in order to become the parents they want to be.

Listen to my conversation with today's guest, Stacey Uhrig, a trauma specialist, working to help heal people from the all-too-often overlooked issues from their past. What is it that could be preventing you from being the best parent you can be?

Tracy's podcast - Flip Your Mindset
Tracy's website
Tracy's Instagram
Tracy's YouTube Channel

Access TRANSCRIPT here.

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