Speaking of Teens

Episode #17: Teen Dating And Emotional Abuse: How To Recognize And Discuss It

Ep 17

National Dating Abuse Helpline  1-866-331-9474

It’s far too likely that your son or daughter will, at some point in their teens, be in a relationship with someone who abuses them emotionally, or in which they abuse their partner emotionally.

We often think of abuse as only physical or sexual - but it’s the emotional abuse that is the most common and works behind the scenes to keep the victim under the perpetrator’s control.

And although this type of abuse is extremely harmful to a teen’s mental health and erodes their self-worth, they often don’t recognize it for what it is. It can be very subtle and can leave a teenager feeling completely stuck in a toxic relationship.

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Access transcript here.

Love is Respect's Parent Discussion Guide

Love is Not Abuse's Parent Guide to TDV

Liz Claiborne "Women's Work" Talking to Kids about Healthy Relationships

Start Strong Idaho's Middle School Parent's Relationships Handbook

National Resource Center of Domestic Violence - Downloadable fact sheets