Speaking of Teens...
You don't have to struggle with yours.
It’s quite possible to change the dynamic in your home. You don’t have to stay stuck. Listen to the podcast, grab the free guides, join the Facebook Group or check out Parent Camp. You can learn to parent your teen in a way that not only improves their behavior but strengthens your relationship and decreases the conflict.
Hey there!
I'm Ann Coleman
I’m a mom, attorney, educator, podcaster, and an advocate for parenting teens with more warmth, respect and emotional intelligence and less control and punishment.
Our family struggled through a couple of hellish years as our teenage son dealt with generalized anxiety, major depression, and drug misuse, on top of ADHD and learning issues. Our home became a war zone as I tried harder and harder to “keep him under control.” In the years since figuring things out and turning our lives around, I’ve continued studying the science of adolescence and parenting adolescents. I want to help you and your family avoid the drama and the misery - you can enjoy the teen years!
Parent Camp
This sh*t is hard! And you can't expect to know what you don't know. But you can learn and you can change your family's story. In Parent Camp, you'll receive truly transformative, research-based information, practice, leadership, accountability, support, and community. Parent Camp is a cohort-based course where we meet weekly to learn together and practice new skills together. Learn what Parent Camp has to offer and join me an other parents working towards the same goal; to parent your teen in a way that brings peace and strength to your family and allows them to thrive as an individual. There's no reason to be so stressed out and alone during the teen years. We launch once per quarter - join the waitlist!
If You Haven't Listened To The Podcast, What Are You Waiting For?!
"...so, so much important information for caregivers of teens. Thank you again, for your support and for being an agent of help and hope for families struggling with their own teens. Sincerely grateful."
"I just discovered your podcast Speaking of Teens about two months ago and I am hooked. Your have great insight and present it in an easy-to-understand way."
"I am listening to your latest podcast now and it is awesome! Your delivery is excellent, on point, and informative. Well done!"
"I think I’ve listened to almost every podcast you have!! It’s such great information. You are doing a good thing helping all of us mamas understand our kids better! You really have been a blessing."
"You are a freaking genius!! speaking of Teens is great! I cannot wait to share!"
"It's wonderful what you are doing and what you are willing to give away for free. I just wanted to thank you! Warrior On!"
"I just wanted to let you know that I'm so thankful for your podcast! ...I'm so happy I discovered it!"
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Parenting Teens Doesn't Have To Be So Baffling Or Stressful Or Adversarial

I've been where you are. Parenting seems to ease up a bit when they can reach the sink, shower, get dressed, even fix their own cereal, or microwave a hot dog. But it hits again (hard) anywhere from age 10 or 12 to 16 or 17 depending on the kid.
My husband and I were constantly flummoxed by our son's behavior beginning at around age 16; his emotional outbursts, his anxiety, his seeming lack of motivation, his unwillingness to listen or cooperate or, later on, to help us help him. We were beside ourselves as things spiraled. I take most of the blame. My attitude was "he's not going to act this way!" and I proceeded to lecture, punish, argue, and try to control him as much as I possibly could.
We know now that I was completely wrong (and if I’m honest, it’s what my husband and I argued about the most – we definitely disagreed about how to parent at that point). It was mostly fear that drove me but I was also under the wrong impression about the amount and type of control I should have over him at his age. Trying to control and punish and demand our way through our teen’s adolescence (whether out of fear or a faulty parenting style) will never work – it will always backfire. There’s a better way. And I want, more than anything, to help you learn now what it took me way too long to understand...so you can achieve a true transformation as soon as possible.
If you have any questions at all, please reach out to me at acoleman (at) speakingofteens.com
Ann Coleman